26 research outputs found

    Une Approche Incrémentale pour Adapter des Blocs SysML

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    International audienceLe dĂ©veloppement des systĂšmes complexes et hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes revĂȘt un intĂ©rĂȘt grandissant dans le milieu industriel. Pour amĂ©liorer la qualitĂ© de dĂ©veloppement de tels systĂšmes, il faut s'appuyer sur une vĂ©ritable approche qui non seulement combine des langages de spĂ©cification de haut niveau et des langages formels permettant la vĂ©rification, mais aussi, elle doit permettre une dĂ©composition du systĂšme en un ensemble de composants. Ceci implique la dĂ©finition de mĂ©thodes pour assembler et adapter ces composants. Des travaux existants dans font rĂ©fĂ©rence au problĂšme d'adaptation de composants. D'une part, nous nous appuyons sur le langage SysML pour modĂ©liser l'architecture et le comportement des composants, et d'autre part, nous faisons appel au formalisme des automates d'interface pour modĂ©liser les interactions entre les blocs rĂ©utilisĂ©s et gĂ©nĂ©rer les protocoles d'interaction des blocs adaptateurs

    SysML Model-Driven Approach to Verify Blocks Compatibility

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    International audienceIn the component paradigm, the system is seen as an assembly of heterogeneous components, where the system reliability depends on these components compatibility. In our approach, we focus on verifying compatibility of components modelled with SysML diagrams. Thus, we model component interactions with sequence diagrams (SDs) and components with SysML blocks. The SDs constitute a good start point for compatibility verification. However, this verification is still inapplicable directly on SDs, because they are expressed in informal language. Thus, to apply a verification method, it is necessary to translate the SDs into formal models, and then verify the wanted properties. In this paper, we propose a high-level model-driven approach which consists of an ATL grammar that automates the transformation of SDs into interface automata. Also, to allow an easy use of Ptolemy tool to verify properties on automata, we have proposed some Acceleo templates, which generate the Ptolemy entry specification

    Gravity-induced ischemia in the brain and prone positioning for COVID-19 patients breathing spontaneously: still far from the truth!

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    International audienceGlobal mindset is usually considered as a positive skill or resource that helps individuals and companies succeed internationally. We argue that it is also a collective scheme of thought that brings some actors together and sets others apart. We investigate this perspective through a qualitative study of French MNC managers, internationalisation support providers, and SME owners and managers attempting to create or grow their business in China. We reveal that global mindset is a double‐edged concept: it is not solely an instrument for integration, but also a doxa, a particular viewpoint imposed to identify and reject outsiders through symbolic struggles. This alternative conceptualisation is necessary to rethink the social forces at work in the field of international business. It is also necessary to encourage educators and practitioners to acknowledge the struggles that result from the imposition of certain views and behaviours and to adapt education, support and training programs accordingly.L’objectif de cet article est de comprendre la dynamique des compĂ©tences interculturelles individuelles et collectives des prestataires dans l’expĂ©rience de service du client. Les rĂ©sultats de l’étude de cas d’une business unit française prestataire de services linguistiques qui excelle en la matiĂšre montrent qu’une articulation eff icace des deux niveaux de compĂ©tence assure la satisfaction des clients et contribue Ă  la compĂ©titivitĂ© de l’entreprise

    Clinical characteristics and outcomes of critically ill COVID-19 patients in Sfax, Tunisia

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    Background Africa, like the rest of the world, has been impacted by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. However, only a few studies covering this subject in Africa have been published. Methods We conducted a retrospective study of critically ill adult COVID-19 patients—all of whom had a confirmed severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection—admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) of Habib Bourguiba University Hospital (Sfax, Tunisia). Results A total of 96 patients were admitted into our ICU for respiratory distress due to COVID-19 infection. Mean age was 62.4±12.8 years and median age was 64 years. Mean arterial oxygen tension (PaO2)/fractional inspired oxygen (FiO2) ratio was 105±60 and ≀300 in all cases but one. Oxygen support was required for all patients (100%) and invasive mechanical ventilation for 38 (40%). Prone positioning was applied in 67 patients (70%). Within the study period, 47 of the 96 patients died (49%). Multivariate analysis showed that the factors associated with poor outcome were the development of acute renal failure (odds ratio [OR], 6.7; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.75–25.9), the use of mechanical ventilation (OR, 5.8; 95% CI, 1.54–22.0), and serum cholinesterase (SChE) activity lower than 5,000 UI/L (OR, 5.0; 95% CI, 1.34–19). Conclusions In this retrospective cohort study of critically ill patients admitted to the ICU in Sfax, Tunisia, for acute respiratory failure following COVID-19 infection, the mortality rate was high. The development of acute renal failure, the use of mechanical ventilation, and SChE activity lower than 5,000 UI/L were associated with a poor outcome

    Adptation des Blocs sysML et verification des propriétés temporelles

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    The work presented in this thesis takes place in the component-based development domain, it is a contribution to the specification,adaptation and verification of component-based systems. The main purpose of this thesis is the proposition of a formal approach tobuild incrementally complex systems by assembling and adapting a set of components, where their structure and behaviour are modelledusing SysML diagrams. In the first stage, we have defined a meta-model driven approach which is based on meta-modelling and modelstransformation, to verify the compatibility of blocks having their interaction protocols modelled using SysML sequence diagrams. To verifytheir compatibility, we perform a transformation into interface automata (IAs), and we base on the optimistic approach defined on IAs. Thisapproach consider that two components are compatible if there is a suitable environment with which they can interact correctly. Afterthat, we have proposed to benefit from the hierarchy, that may be present in the interaction protocol models of the blocks, to alleviate theverification of blocks compatibility. In the next stage, we have taken into consideration the problem of names mismatches of type one2onebetween services of blocks. At this stage, an adapter is generated for a set of reused blocks which have their interaction protocols modelledformally by interface automata. The generation of the adapter is guided by the specification of the parent block which is made initiallyby the designer. Our approach is completed by a verification phase which allows us to verify SysML requirements, expressed formallyby temporal properties, on SySML blocks. In this phase, we have exploited only the generated adapters to verify the preservation of therequirements initially satisfied by the reused blocks. Thus, our approach intends to give more chance to avoid the state space explosionproblem during the verification. In the same context, where we have a set of reused blocks and the specification of their parent blocks, wehave proposed to use coloured Petri nets (CPNs) to model the blocks interactions and to generate adapters that solve more type of problems.In this case the adapter can solve the problem of livelock by enabling the reordering of services calls.Le travail prĂ©sentĂ© dans cette thĂšse a lieu dans le domaine de dĂ©veloppement basĂ© sur les composants, il est une contribution Ă  laspĂ©cification, l'adaptation et la vĂ©rification des systĂšmes Ă  base de composants. Le but principal de cette thĂšse est la proposition d'uneapproche formelle pour construire progressivement des systĂšmes complexes en assemblant et en adaptant un ensemble de composants,oĂč leur structure et leur comportement sont modĂ©lisĂ©s Ă  l'aide de diagrammes SysML. Dans la premiĂšre Ă©tape, nous avons dĂ©fini uneapproche basĂ©e sur la mĂ©ta-modĂ©lisation et la transformation des modĂšles pour vĂ©rifier la compatibilitĂ© des blocs ayant leurs protocolesd'interaction modĂ©lisĂ©s Ă  l'aide de diagrammes de sĂ©quence SysML. Pour vĂ©rifier leur compatibilitĂ©, nous effectuons une transformationen automates d'interface (IAs), et nous utilisons l'approche optimiste dĂ©finie sur les IA. Cette approche considĂšre que deux composantssont compatibles s'il existe un environnement appropriĂ© avec lequel ils peuvent interagir correctement. AprĂšs cela, nous avons proposĂ©de bĂ©nĂ©ficier de la hiĂ©rarchie, qui peut ĂȘtre prĂ©sente dans les modĂšles de protocole d'interaction des blocs, pour allĂ©ger la vĂ©rification dela compatibilitĂ© des blocs. Dans l'Ă©tape suivante, nous avons pris en considĂ©ration le problĂšme des incohĂ©rences de noms de type one2oneentre les services des blocs. A ce stade, un adaptateur est gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© pour un ensemble de blocs rĂ©utilisĂ©s qui ont leurs protocoles d'interactionmodĂ©lisĂ©s formellement par des automates d'interface. La gĂ©nĂ©ration de l'adaptateur est guidĂ©e par la spĂ©cification du bloc parent qui estfaite initialement par le concepteur. Notre approche est complĂ©tĂ©e par une phase de vĂ©rification qui nous permet de vĂ©rifier les exigencesSysML, exprimĂ©es formellement par les propriĂ©tĂ©s temporelles, sur les blocs SySML. Dans cette phase, nous avons exploitĂ© uniquementles adaptateurs gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s pour vĂ©rifier la prĂ©servation des exigences initialement satisfaites par les blocs rĂ©utilisĂ©s. Ainsi, notre approchea l'intention de donner plus de chance d'Ă©viter le problĂšme de l'explosion de l'espace d'Ă©tat au moment de la vĂ©rification. Dans le mĂȘmecontexte, oĂč nous avons un ensemble de blocs rĂ©utilisĂ©s et la spĂ©cification de leurs blocs parents, nous avons proposĂ© d'utiliser des rĂ©seauxde Petri colorĂ©s (CPN) pour modĂ©liser les interactions des blocs et gĂ©nĂ©rer des adaptateurs qui rĂ©solvent plus de types de problĂšmes. Dansce cas, l'adaptateur peut rĂ©soudre le problĂšme de blocage en permettant le rĂ©-ordonnancement des appels de services

    A Model-Driven Approach to Adapt SysML Blocks

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    International audienceReusing and adapting existing components is the central topic of component-based development. The major differences between the existing approaches concern the models used to represent the components and the detail given to generate the adapters. In this paper, we present our approach which bases on the hierarchy to generate the adapters. Our components are modelled using SysML blocks and their interaction protocols are modelled using SysML Sequence Diagrams (SDs). We have used coloured Petri nets as formal model to define the adaptation rules, and we have based on meta-modelling and model transformation to implement these rules. We illustrate our approach through a case study

    Exploitation de la Hiérarchie pour la Vérification de la Compatibilité entre les Blocs SysML

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    International audienceLe dĂ©veloppement de systĂšmes Ă  base de composants consiste en l’assemblage d’un ensemble d’unitĂ©s de base qui rĂ©pondent chacune Ă  une partie des exigences du systĂšme. Cette dĂ©marche permet la rĂ©duction du coĂ»t de dĂ©veloppement.Cependant, l’opĂ©ration d’assemblage impose l’adoption d’une approche de vĂ©rification qui doit ĂȘtre complĂšte et moins coĂ»teuse. Dans ce papier, nous proposons une approche formelle de vĂ©rification de la compatibilitĂ© de blocs SysML, en vue d’étudier la possibilitĂ© de leur assemblage. Principalement, une spĂ©cification SysML d’un systĂšme consiste Ă  reprĂ©senter sa structure sous forme d’un ensemble de blocs en interaction, cette interaction peut ĂȘtre modĂ©lisĂ©e par des modĂšles qui exposent un certain niveau de hiĂ©rarchie. Notre approche propose de profiter de la hiĂ©rarchie prĂ©sente dans les modĂšles SysML ainsi que dans les automates afin d’allĂ©ger la vĂ©rification de la compatibilitĂ© des blocs SysML

    Compatibility Verification of SysML Blocks Using Hierarchical Interface Automata

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    International audienceThe objective of this paper is to propose an approach to formalize and verify the compatibility between SysML blocks, and to help in making decision about the possibility of assembling these blocks. We specify the architecture of the system using SysML internal block diagrams. To model the interaction between blocks with a convivial manner, we propose HPSM (Hierarchical Protocol State Machine) diagram. In order to permit the verification of such interactions, we perform a translation of HPSMs into HIA-ILTs (Hierarchical Interface Automata with Inter-Level Transitions), a variant of interface automata (IA) which we propose for this purpose. Our major objective is to benefit from the hierarchy which is present in HIA-ILTs. Thus, we have adapted the existing approaches of compatibility verification based on IAs to be applicable on the HIA-ILTs. However, in order to avoid the flattening of the entire HIA-ILT, we propose a preliminary phase that allows selecting the composite states to flatten. The aim behind this is to alleviate the verification phase. Our approach is illustrated by a case study, where we demonstrate the expressiveness of the HPSM and the HIA-ILT, and we show how the hierarchy and the abstraction help to reduce the complexity of verification

    Pulmonary embolism in intensive care unit: Predictive factors, clinical manifestations and outcome

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    <b>Objective</b> :<b> </b> To determine predictive factors, clinical and demographics characteristics of patients with pulmonary embolism (PE) in ICU, and to identify factors associated with poor outcome in the hospital and in the ICU. <b> Methods</b> :<b> </b> During a four-year prospective study, a medical committee of six ICU physicians prospectively examined all available data for each patient in order to classify patients according to the level of clinical suspicion of pulmonary thromboembolism. During the study periods, all patients admitted to our ICU were classified into four groups. The first group includes all patients with confirmed PE; the second group includes some patients without clinical manifestations of PE; the third group includes patients with suspected and not confirmed PE and the fourth group includes all patients with only deep vein<sup> </sup> thromboses (DVTs) without suspicion of PE. The diagnosis of PE was confirmed either by a high-probability ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) scan or by a spiral computed tomography (CT) scan showing one or more filling defects in the pulmonary artery or in its branches. The diagnosis was also confirmed by echocardiography when a thrombus in the pulmonary artery was observed. <b> Results</b> :<b> </b> During the study periods, 4408 patients were admitted in our ICU. The diagnosis of PE was confirmed in 87 patients (1.9&#x0025;). The mean delay of development of PE was 7.8 &#177; 9.5 days.<b> </b> On the day of PE diagnosis, clinical examination showed that 50 patients (57.5&#x0025;) were hypotensive, 63 (72.4&#x0025;) have SIRS, 15 (17.2&#x0025;) have clinical manifestations of DVT and 71 (81.6&#x0025;) have respiratory distress requiring mechanical ventilation. In our study, intravenous unfractionated heparin was used in 81 cases (93.1&#x0025;) and low molecular weight heparins were used in 4 cases (4.6&#x0025;).<b> </b> The mean ICU stay was 20.2 &#177; 25.3 days and the mean hospital stay was 25.5 &#177; 25 days. The mortality rate in ICU was 47.1&#x0025; and the in-hospital mortality rate was 52.9&#x0025;.<b> </b> Multivariate analysis showed that factors associated with a poor prognosis in ICU are the use of norepinephrine and epinephrine<b> . </b> Furthermore, factors associated with in-hospital poor outcome in multivariate analysis were a number of organ failure associated with PE &#8805; 3. Moreover, comparison between patients with and without pe showed that predictive factors of pe are: acute medical illness, the presence of meningeal hemorrhage, the presence of spine fracture, hypoxemia with PaO<sub> 2</sub> /FiO<sub> 2</sub> ratio &#60; 300 and the absence of pharmacological prevention of venous thromboembolism. <b>Conclusion</b> :<b> </b> Despite the high frequency of DVT in critically ill patients, symptomatic PE remains not frequently observed, because systematic screening is not performed. Pulmonary embolism is associated with a high ICU and in-hospital mortality rate. Predictive factors of PE are acute medical illness, the presence of meningeal hemorrhage, the presence of spine fracture, hypoxemia with PaO<sub> 2</sub> /FiO<sub> 2</sub> &lt; 300 and the absence of pharmacological prevention of venous thromboembolism